If you or your group or congregation would like to have Judy lead a reflection or an activity on a spiritual topic, please contact her. Here is a list of a few possible offerings:
Group Spiritual Direction – A group of people can request a spiritual guide to facilitate spiritual guidance for the group, perhaps around a particular topic. For example, a new mom’s group might appreciate having time together to share their faith. Occasionally, Judy will initiate and publicize a group she will be leading.
Congregational Adult Forums – If your congregation has adult education forums, Judy can lead a session(s) on a spiritual topic. She can lead adult forums on any number of spiritual topics, but some recent topics have included Benedictine Humility, Benedictine Stability, and Spiritual Practices.
Small Group Ministry – If your congregation is looking to start a small group around either a certain topic such as “grief and loss,” or a series like “Companions in Christ,” or “Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton,” Judy can facilitate the small group meetings and discussions. She brings an open and inviting approach to group sharing.
Art & Spirituality Classes – If you have wanted to explore the intersection of art and faith, Judy can facilitate individual sessions or classes with groups of people. Art helps us move beyond words and into a different realm to express and experience the sacred. No art experience is needed. Judy uses a variety of media in exploring spirituality with creativity, including Praying in Color and SoulCollage® . She is a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator.
Retreats – Judy leads retreats for various groups. If your church, women’s group, or other kind of group, would like to have a leader facilitate a retreat experience, please contact Judy to talk with her about your needs. She can custom design a retreat, or use a retreat topic that she has recently led, such as “Spiritual Practices, Creativity and Constancy,” or “Sabbath in Everyday Life.”
For a current list of classes, please go to the Classes and Retreats Page on this website.
Welcome the present moment as if you had invited it. Why? Because it is all we ever have. (Pema Chodron)