
Judy Nolde

About Spirituality Madison
For over fourteen years, Judy has been providing spiritual guidance, classes and retreats. She sees people from a variety of backgrounds and denominations, including deacons and clergy. While her focus has been on her offerings in Madison, Wisconsin where she lives, she is able to travel and set up electronic means for spiritual offerings.

About Judy
Judy was commissioned as a Deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in  2016. She holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University (Chicago) (2012). Previously she completed spiritual direction training through the Pacific Jubilee Program at Vancouver School of Theology in Canada. Her undergraduate and law degrees are from Valparaiso University. She has also completed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) at UW Health/Alternative Medicine based on the work of Jon Kabat Zinn, and assisted teaching MBSR. In September, 2015 she completed the SoulCollage® facilitator training.

Judy brings a strong ecumenical, as well as interfaith, sense to her faith and work. While she is a lifelong Lutheran (ELCA), her faith has also been shaped by her years as a Benedictine Oblate (affiliated with Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison, an ecumenical monastic community) and her interests in Buddhism. As a teenager, she lived in Geneva, Switzerland where her school friends were Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim. In Geneva, she attended the Lutheran Church of Geneva where people from a variety of Lutheran backgrounds worshiped and celebrated Eucharist together.

She has worked for nonprofit organizations in fundraising and marketing. She has owned her own writing consulting business for many years. After receiving her MA in Pastoral Studies, she has worked as Director of Faith Formation for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Sun Prairie, WI, and as Chaplain for Triangle Community Ministry in Madison, WI.

Currently, she is the chaplain for Central Wisconsin Center, a state agency serving people with intellectual disabilities.

Judy is a member of Spiritual Directors International.

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You can contact Judy at judynolde@sbcglobal.net or call 608-219-4556

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths, or the turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes. (Etty Hillesum)

Nurturing the Contemplative and Creative